
Moment by moment
Moment by moment

moment by moment

Its just a reason to have them (ha, ha) 'conversing', as it were, so don't pay that much attention. He follows her down the street since they had met briefly before and he wants to thank her for something ridiculous. They meet cute in Schwab's Drug Store (thereby bringing a bad name to a place that has come Hollywood history) when he's there to meet his friend, and she's there to get a refill on her Seconal.

moment by moment

These two likable actors crash and burn in this dreary story of two bored and boring people.


Its not his fault that the movie is bad and I think he tried to make something of the pitiful script he was handed. If he didn't take the hit, he certainly lost some career momentum because of it. Travolta has tons of charm, if nothing else, and it seems slightly unfair that he took the hit for how bad this movie is. But judging from this pseudo-romance, you'd think she was just a lousy actress. Lily Tomlin is a talented person, there is no denying it. It will be well worth the wait, I promise.


If you must, scour your TV listings EACH week so that you won't miss the next showing. This movie has EVERYTHING (even two loveable mutts, one with a bandaged foot, and a mob murder subplot that dies quicker than the victim). You'll find yourself wondering if it was all meant as a joke, but when you realize that all these people were apparently dead serious (witness Lily's phone "breakdown" with her ex), you'll want to watch it again and again to savor the wonderful horror of it all. And the hot tub scene is one for the ages. John's character name - STRIP - should clue you in on the fun in store - every time Lily utters it, you find yourself wondering if she's saying his name or issuing a directive. It is an absolute DELIGHT from beginning to end, from the cheesy 70s titles displayed while a bored Lily shops Rodeo Drive to a "romantic" score, to the astonishing lack of character development by the lead actors, to John Travolta's reason for running away from home (Mom and Dad forgot his birthday - two years in a row!) to some of the funniest dialog ever (Lily to John: "Are you a member of the Auto Club?", which line is wittily and meaningfully repeated at the end of the film and the "tuna" lunch scene). No lover of bad movies can claim such status if you haven't seen this one. Tomlin apparently (and with good reason) tried to have this movie buried, it turned up on AMC last week, and oh joy! oh bliss! I was able to tape it to own for all time.

Moment by moment